viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011


  Francisco   Welcome To The Willie Show!

  Francisco Family heritage post I like it because It tells a little bit of his family background. He can make you think how things have change during this years. It tells that most of his fmily are from spain. Francisco also say how now education had made a big difference to get better jobs.

  Nestor  The Super Ultra Kuririn Blog

  Nestor family heritage is have German culture and I like to learn from differnt cultures of the world. I learned were funny friend Nestor came from. I learned how Nestor like baseball and settled to live in Puerto rico.

  Tiffany  something by tiffany*

  I like this blog because it has hearts they. I like this blog because it tell you her opinion of the 14th amendment.Tiffany also mention what is happening in Arizona. She also say how they are trying to change the 14th amendment to make immigration a better process so evryone can live better.

Christopher  HAY LULY
  Chritopher blog video is good because it shows you how immigration is treated in present day.It show you how people working for the goverment asking for driver liscence to see if people are really illegal iimigrants.


jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

My Family's immigration

  My family is from Puerto Rico we are today part of the United State even though some people don't know. Puerto Rico is located in the Caribbean it is a small island we are NOT the same as Mexican people our culture is different.

  The only place were my family have migrated is to the United States my aunt is from Puerto Rico he moved to the United State it was supposed to only go over there and study so he could have a good job and come back to Puerto Rico but he like it in the U.S. and stay there to live.I have visit him a couple of time and have had a lot of fun and laughs.I have always like how he treats everyone with kindness no matter how big the problem.

  My aunt have an adopted son he is from Guatemala .He has Maya culture he is nice he is very happy with my aunt.When I first met him he was shy but then we had a lot of fun.I can remember one day he told me that he wasn't scared. I asked him why and he told me he told me because he have God always by his side.He told me that he like to stay with my aunt he is a happy person and I will treat him as part of my family no matter what people say.

Obama Idea for Immigration Process

  This is president Obama looking a way to tell people to make a better immigration process.I think if he makes good laws it could turn into a good process but it has to be strict no fooling around. I think that Obama pull this of still the immigrants would be discriminated.But still he should not give up this is building a country so it could be like a family.This is something important to  build a strong country.

  People disagree but I don't I think this is a good idea to make a better and stronger immigration process for the future.This process might even make history for the United State this could make different cultures get along and stop the discrimination to stop the violence.

My Journal

    November 1,1872
  I am cleaning and rubbing my feet after a hard working day at my dad's little farm crops are all dried out my feet hurt and they feel burned .Because I don't have shoes but I still like to help my dad. I wish I had really cold water to put my feet in but the water is dirty and my feet could get infected. Dad saw me with my feet hurt and said to go home and rest I was sad because I couldn't help. When I saw Dad get home with a big smile in his face. The first thing he said was Agostino get your mom I have good news. I got mom into the room and dad said we were moving to the United States I didn't know what this meant but I could see Dad smiling and that made me  so happy.

  November 2, 1872

  My family is planning what to do with our house and little farm that we have to pack our things to move a place were Dad told me we could live in a nicer way. I'm packing all my clothe when I was packing I found a picture of a person that used to talk anything I wanted and she would give me advice of anything I needed. She is my grandma called Amelia she told me to do what made me happy no matter what other people say. I said to her that supporting my family is what made me happy. I could remember that day I was 10 years old.

  November 5, 1872

  Today is my first day in a boat traveling to the United State I met a new friend she was a little baby girl it was sad for me mom told me she was sick and their family are going to the United State to see if they could make money to see if they could afford a doctor. I said to their family that I would try to help them make the money.It was a coincidence the little girl name was Amelia like my grandmother I played with her she made me smile and laugh. She made me forget about my pain of my feet with just playing with her.Sometimes I gave her some of my food I treated her just one as my family this made me happy.

  December 23,1872
  Two days away from Christmas I  was so happy with being with my family in the United State.My mom ask me what I wanted for Christmas I told her I want money so I can give the money to the little baby in the boat my mom was so surprised. My Dad gets home from work with little money and put it in a jar in his room where it is save. I see my dad hiding something in a box.

  December 25,1872

  Its morning and my dad and mom wake me up so I can open my presents. I open my presents and Ive got 10 dollars and some toys to play with it was a dream come true the first thin I do make a letter to the family of Amelia so she could get her  money to the doctor.When my dad see me finishing the letter he said its time for your surprise he got a box inside where shoes they were perfect Id like them a lot.My dad said to me you deserve them after what you have done.This day reminded me of my grandmother.

                                                            Mom,Dad ,Amelia and Me

Italian Immigration

  During 1870 italian started to immigrate to the United State.They immigrate to get better jobs because their economy in italy was low. They didnt have jobs they were not educated in school.In 1900 a lot of Italian immigrated to the United state to get jobs or get better jobs.They have to risk the little they have to move to the United State to hope for the best of their family.

  Italian immigrants were desperate they had the little they had to move to United State. They thought this land was the best thing in live when really it wasn't. Italian's had to travel thinking about getting jobs in their mind to support their families. Maybe some Italian felt sad of letting their family behind so they could go work to support them. Some Italian could have been so desperate that they didn't think of not being allowed to move to the United State.

  After long hours of traveling and being allowed to move to the United State they had to find a place to stay.Most Italians moved to mid Atlantic states.They had to find jobs that were mostly jobs other people didn't want they were risky or dirty jobs like sewer cleaning.The sad thing about this that Italian children had to work at early age risking their live to support their families.Children had to sacrifice their education for working a risky job.
  Immigration to the United State today is a big thing today especially the illegal immigrants they are being discriminated for moving to the United State illegally. Its unfair but the United State made discriminate s they could protect the country. I don't blame either they are both so they could have a good live.I hope in the future immigration problem can be solved so we all live together like a big family learning from each.