lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Top Ten Proposal

 1-African American Civil Rights: Willie
   Willie mention one imortant person in the the African American civil right movement  named Martin Luther King Jr. His proposal is good by trying to end discrimination not only on the African American but in anyone thet is discriminate. Also he mentions discrimination is still around today. I like his idea against discrimination.

2-Gay Rights: Itze
  Itze is blog is good by trying to make equal rights for the gay or homosexual community. She also want equal rights for any gender female or male. Itze have a good idea of the gay community. She compares how good and bad a gay marrriage and a straight marriage are. She has a good idea to make a better way of living for the gay community.

3-Muslim Americans’ Rights: Edrick
  Edrick intention of his proposal is to end discrimination on muslim culture.
Muslim have been part of the U.S. for many years and have been discriminated after what happened on 9/11. He want to end discrimination on the muslim culture.

4-Workers’ Rights: Hiomark
  Hiomark propoal is about workers right having freedom of speech so thet everyone would be heard. But he is against it because it will create problem hearing everybody ideas.

5-Criminal Rights (Justice): Carol
  I agree with Carol because criminals are let go from prison after what they have done. I don't think criminals should be allowed to go for having good behavior in prison.

6-Puerto Ricans’ Right: Roxanne
  Roxanne tells discrimination on Puerto Rico should stop because it can depress other people. I agree with that she should stop discrimination and help people who are depressed.

7-Rights of Persons with Disabilities- Nestor
  Nestor mentions how amendments should be fixed so can everyone have equal rights.
I agree they should have specific rights for people with disabilities. 

8-Japanese Americans’ Rights- Irelis
 Irelis mention how life changed for Japanese Americans in the United State. I think it was unfair to treat Japanese like these because of what happened at Pearl Harbor.

9-Catholic Civil Rights- Katty
  I think it is a good idea to anyone can have any religion they want after what happened in the past. I agree no one should be discriminated by their beliefs.

10- Women’s Rights- Paola
 Paola's blog proposal sounds convincing and she want equal right for women. I agree women should have equal rights.


   I want to propose to everyone to have freedom of speech and equal  rights. You can be any religion you want.Petitions to enter the army will be free no matter where you from. You can be gay to enter the army. You should fight for making a better world. We will raise your money higher for staying peaceful all this time. We will make communication with your families easier while at the base. We will grant more food and supplies.
  We will give you education and training for the future while keep trying fighting for your country or not. You will have a easy way to find jobs. Veteran will also have a place to live if they are homeless.Veterans should have good medical treatment. We will hear ideas your ideas to make it better. Veterans with physical changeabilities will be treated.

  In my opinion we can make a better future if we work together. We should help our veterans after what they done for us like risking their lives. We will also support family while your at war. Veterans had not been treated like they supposed to and were are going to do what we have to do to make veterans life better.


domingo, 17 de abril de 2011

Discrimination on Veteran's

  Discrimination against veteran's is not a huge problem today except non religious petitions. American wanted equal rights for non religious veterans. Veterans won't fight back against the government because then can take some rights from them so they don't make a big protest against them to keep their rights. Also the Don't ask Don't tell where gay veterans were discriminated and forced to leave if they were gay.
  There method for fighting back is a peaceful way asking for petitions in an non violent way. They suffer a lot after they go to war and don't get a raise. They have been a peaceful group in the United State. They got 1.4% raise after fighting in the war. There hasn't been so much discrimination on this group because of what they do fighting for their country to get honor.

   In my opinion they are a peaceful group and should get a better raise because they risk their life leave their families to go to fight in the war. They might be even be killed or captured by the enemy and never see their families. I think they should find ways so other people cooperate for the veterans they have done a lot to make the world better. Also they shouldn't get violent with the government or they will be taken rights from them and it will affect them more.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Ressistance of the Veteran's

  Veterans are mostly mistreated by economic problems like in the Vietnam war. The United State lost this war they had to leave because there was no progess in this war so the United State left. There were already problem in the economy in the U.S. it was hard to find jobs have a house. Some veteran's had to paid for basic material that the army had to provide to go to war like night vision goggles or boots. Some even had to pay to get back to their homes.

  Veteran suffered by going to war leaving their family behind to go to war some even were forced to go to war. Also some veteran went because their wasnt to much education so they went to war by sacrificing their lives. There was not only economic problem with veteran but in the United State suffered from economic problem because of the money used in the vietnam war. The United State used a lot of  money in this war in supplies like boot, clothing and food. Most impotant in the transpotation of the Veterans.
  During World War 2 veteran also suffered from disease they needed Doctor but at this time this was not well treated. Veteran when came from war had to stay home in a peacefull way to recover little by little.


Change on Veteran's Rights

When the United State won  the war of World War2 veterans and the United State had good economics. It was easier to find a job for veteran during this time. The winning of World War2 for the veterans went well until the Vietnam war. The vietnam war went bad for the U.S. veterans because the United State suffered a lot of economic problem because the money used in this war. United State used a lot of money in this war to surrender because they were making no progress.
  Today veteran still suffer from economic problem but they are granted rights right like ways to find jobs in an easier way. This is good beacuse they have physical dissabilities or are homeless they can still search for jobs. Veterans today are trying ways to be treated equally in the army for example have petition for religious and non religious veteran.Non religious veterans also want the army to have activities for them like they have for religious soldiers.One recent problem was "Don't ask,Don't tell" in the army for the veterans was that if you were gay you would be kicked out of the army.

  After 10 years in Iraq and Afghasnistan fighting in war United State suffer from economic problem. Veterans were promise that they were have a raise but United State sufered from economy. The President offered a proposal with a raise of 1.4%. I think this unfair after the veteran sacrificed so much and were pomised with a raise. Its a low raise but its better tha noting I would try to go for a bigger raise if not stay with 1.4%.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Veteran's Civil Right or Benefits

  On May 13,1938 veteran were approved a day remembering their honor in World War1. Veteran's are known because of their fighting in war to make it a better way by risking their life. After World War 2 veterans wanted to go back to their home but they didn't have money, jobs or house so they were granted the GI Bill. The GI Bill was made to make easier life to the veterans by giving them education and training , loan to buy a house, farm or business.They would also have a easier way to find a job if they were unemployed they were given money for a period of time until they would have a job.

  After the United State veteran's came back  from the Vietnam war it was harder because they lost this war they had to come back because their wasn't any progress in this war so they left the war. United State veteran suffered from death, being captured and suicide. Thousands of veteran died because of the Vietnam war. The US was forced to leave because of the veterans being killed and captured. Many innocent people died because of war.

  Veteran's are people that sacrifice their life to make other people living in the future better. Also veteran army is no business is more importantly a tradition, honor and respect. According to the census on 2008 there were over 22,424,712 veterans in the United State. During this years also people going to college was not very common like now today so they went to the army were they would be trained to fight.

  Now today veteran are still important we should support them so they can make a better living. They are still important people that sacrifice their life to go to war. They can't see their family frequently and they need special resources like clothe and food to go to war. Most important army for a veteran is tradition and not a business. They gain respect and honor for them. They should be proud of what they do.



viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Essays Comenting!!!


 I like Francisco essay of the ative American because he mention specific battles and  dates. He also mention the ames of the different Indians group. He mention the famous Indian leader Stting Bull. And importantly mention how the movies were not always saying the truth.


 I like Edrick Blog because he mention how the land was taken from the Indians. Also he says how they were forced to take their land. Most importat mentios the wounded knee massacre how many were killed and how many were wounded.


 Armando says how the Indians were treated badly by taking their land and changing their way of live. Also mention how they were massacred. Most impotantly says that they are being extinct. And that this are one of the worst history of the Americans.


 Itzes blog is how Native American caused trouble to the settlers or Americans. How settlers started rumors of the Indians. Americans also feared the Native Americans. How would bllame problem in each other. And she mention how really General Custer was to the Native American or Indians.


 Katherine mention how would Native Americans think of living on he reservation or in their land. She mention specific dates. I learned that americans gran citizenship on the Native American. She mention how the Native American had to change their life to live in american land. For example cutting their hair.


jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Indian Culture

   In the 1800's the Native American or Indians were mistreated by the American.When the indians surrender to the Americans to go to the reservations. They had to change some of their culture for examplie their names, the way they dress and their relgious dance. They gave up a lot of their culture to live in the lie the American gave them by not giving the money and their land.

  Before Americans taking the Native American land they believe on Wakan Tanka this was their god they believe he was the creator of the world. They would hunt for buffalo to get meat and use it skin for clothing. When the American's came to the Indian to take their land by tricking them offering them money. Indians were forced to give up their land because if they didn't gave up their land. Americans could have killed more Indians and take their land.

  After the Indians surrender because they didn't have supplies to survive they gave their land to the Americans. American let them live in a reservation were they will be given food, clothe and a place to live but they could not leave that reservation. Indians had to change their name to Christian name so they could be called and be understand. They wouldn't hunt the animals freely. Animals were surrounded by fences were they didn't have defense to cover themselves. Bravery was really important for the Native Americans they had to prove it to be respected like Sitting Bull did by being the last Indian to surrender to the Americans to live in the reservation.

  Native Americans were living in a nightmare were they were given rare disease at that time and they did not have good doctor. After changing their clothe and most importantly changing them into Christian's. Changing their way of believe. Making them alcoholics with their medicine. And they are scared of leaving the reservation they don't want to risk of not having supplies.

  The Indians invented a way to communicate and Americans not understanding. The Native American who invented this was named Wovoka. This religion was named the Ghost Dance. It purpose was that the white race would be destroyed so the Indians or Native Americans would rise up again. When the american learned about the meaning of this religious dance American wouldn't allow it. It was not allowed to believe in this land Indians could not do anything but be like a puppet for the American.

  In the end Indians were controlled by the Americans they were like puppets. They had  to live the American's showed them. Also Indians wont leave the reservation because they are scared of losing their supplies for surviving. Still today the Native Americans culture is in trouble. They are not so much Indians left.
In my opinion American should do something to protect this culture before its to late maybe they will regret if this culture is lost.


Bury my life
Wounded Knee Massacre
The Ghost Dance

viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011


  Francisco   Welcome To The Willie Show!

  Francisco Family heritage post I like it because It tells a little bit of his family background. He can make you think how things have change during this years. It tells that most of his fmily are from spain. Francisco also say how now education had made a big difference to get better jobs.

  Nestor  The Super Ultra Kuririn Blog

  Nestor family heritage is have German culture and I like to learn from differnt cultures of the world. I learned were funny friend Nestor came from. I learned how Nestor like baseball and settled to live in Puerto rico.

  Tiffany  something by tiffany*

  I like this blog because it has hearts they. I like this blog because it tell you her opinion of the 14th amendment.Tiffany also mention what is happening in Arizona. She also say how they are trying to change the 14th amendment to make immigration a better process so evryone can live better.

Christopher  HAY LULY
  Chritopher blog video is good because it shows you how immigration is treated in present day.It show you how people working for the goverment asking for driver liscence to see if people are really illegal iimigrants.


jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

My Family's immigration

  My family is from Puerto Rico we are today part of the United State even though some people don't know. Puerto Rico is located in the Caribbean it is a small island we are NOT the same as Mexican people our culture is different.

  The only place were my family have migrated is to the United States my aunt is from Puerto Rico he moved to the United State it was supposed to only go over there and study so he could have a good job and come back to Puerto Rico but he like it in the U.S. and stay there to live.I have visit him a couple of time and have had a lot of fun and laughs.I have always like how he treats everyone with kindness no matter how big the problem.

  My aunt have an adopted son he is from Guatemala .He has Maya culture he is nice he is very happy with my aunt.When I first met him he was shy but then we had a lot of fun.I can remember one day he told me that he wasn't scared. I asked him why and he told me he told me because he have God always by his side.He told me that he like to stay with my aunt he is a happy person and I will treat him as part of my family no matter what people say.

Obama Idea for Immigration Process

  This is president Obama looking a way to tell people to make a better immigration process.I think if he makes good laws it could turn into a good process but it has to be strict no fooling around. I think that Obama pull this of still the immigrants would be discriminated.But still he should not give up this is building a country so it could be like a family.This is something important to  build a strong country.

  People disagree but I don't I think this is a good idea to make a better and stronger immigration process for the future.This process might even make history for the United State this could make different cultures get along and stop the discrimination to stop the violence.

My Journal

    November 1,1872
  I am cleaning and rubbing my feet after a hard working day at my dad's little farm crops are all dried out my feet hurt and they feel burned .Because I don't have shoes but I still like to help my dad. I wish I had really cold water to put my feet in but the water is dirty and my feet could get infected. Dad saw me with my feet hurt and said to go home and rest I was sad because I couldn't help. When I saw Dad get home with a big smile in his face. The first thing he said was Agostino get your mom I have good news. I got mom into the room and dad said we were moving to the United States I didn't know what this meant but I could see Dad smiling and that made me  so happy.

  November 2, 1872

  My family is planning what to do with our house and little farm that we have to pack our things to move a place were Dad told me we could live in a nicer way. I'm packing all my clothe when I was packing I found a picture of a person that used to talk anything I wanted and she would give me advice of anything I needed. She is my grandma called Amelia she told me to do what made me happy no matter what other people say. I said to her that supporting my family is what made me happy. I could remember that day I was 10 years old.

  November 5, 1872

  Today is my first day in a boat traveling to the United State I met a new friend she was a little baby girl it was sad for me mom told me she was sick and their family are going to the United State to see if they could make money to see if they could afford a doctor. I said to their family that I would try to help them make the money.It was a coincidence the little girl name was Amelia like my grandmother I played with her she made me smile and laugh. She made me forget about my pain of my feet with just playing with her.Sometimes I gave her some of my food I treated her just one as my family this made me happy.

  December 23,1872
  Two days away from Christmas I  was so happy with being with my family in the United State.My mom ask me what I wanted for Christmas I told her I want money so I can give the money to the little baby in the boat my mom was so surprised. My Dad gets home from work with little money and put it in a jar in his room where it is save. I see my dad hiding something in a box.

  December 25,1872

  Its morning and my dad and mom wake me up so I can open my presents. I open my presents and Ive got 10 dollars and some toys to play with it was a dream come true the first thin I do make a letter to the family of Amelia so she could get her  money to the doctor.When my dad see me finishing the letter he said its time for your surprise he got a box inside where shoes they were perfect Id like them a lot.My dad said to me you deserve them after what you have done.This day reminded me of my grandmother.

                                                            Mom,Dad ,Amelia and Me

Italian Immigration

  During 1870 italian started to immigrate to the United State.They immigrate to get better jobs because their economy in italy was low. They didnt have jobs they were not educated in school.In 1900 a lot of Italian immigrated to the United state to get jobs or get better jobs.They have to risk the little they have to move to the United State to hope for the best of their family.

  Italian immigrants were desperate they had the little they had to move to United State. They thought this land was the best thing in live when really it wasn't. Italian's had to travel thinking about getting jobs in their mind to support their families. Maybe some Italian felt sad of letting their family behind so they could go work to support them. Some Italian could have been so desperate that they didn't think of not being allowed to move to the United State.

  After long hours of traveling and being allowed to move to the United State they had to find a place to stay.Most Italians moved to mid Atlantic states.They had to find jobs that were mostly jobs other people didn't want they were risky or dirty jobs like sewer cleaning.The sad thing about this that Italian children had to work at early age risking their live to support their families.Children had to sacrifice their education for working a risky job.
  Immigration to the United State today is a big thing today especially the illegal immigrants they are being discriminated for moving to the United State illegally. Its unfair but the United State made discriminate s they could protect the country. I don't blame either they are both so they could have a good live.I hope in the future immigration problem can be solved so we all live together like a big family learning from each.