viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Essays Comenting!!!


 I like Francisco essay of the ative American because he mention specific battles and  dates. He also mention the ames of the different Indians group. He mention the famous Indian leader Stting Bull. And importantly mention how the movies were not always saying the truth.


 I like Edrick Blog because he mention how the land was taken from the Indians. Also he says how they were forced to take their land. Most importat mentios the wounded knee massacre how many were killed and how many were wounded.


 Armando says how the Indians were treated badly by taking their land and changing their way of live. Also mention how they were massacred. Most impotantly says that they are being extinct. And that this are one of the worst history of the Americans.


 Itzes blog is how Native American caused trouble to the settlers or Americans. How settlers started rumors of the Indians. Americans also feared the Native Americans. How would bllame problem in each other. And she mention how really General Custer was to the Native American or Indians.


 Katherine mention how would Native Americans think of living on he reservation or in their land. She mention specific dates. I learned that americans gran citizenship on the Native American. She mention how the Native American had to change their life to live in american land. For example cutting their hair.


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