viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Essays Comenting!!!


 I like Francisco essay of the ative American because he mention specific battles and  dates. He also mention the ames of the different Indians group. He mention the famous Indian leader Stting Bull. And importantly mention how the movies were not always saying the truth.


 I like Edrick Blog because he mention how the land was taken from the Indians. Also he says how they were forced to take their land. Most importat mentios the wounded knee massacre how many were killed and how many were wounded.


 Armando says how the Indians were treated badly by taking their land and changing their way of live. Also mention how they were massacred. Most impotantly says that they are being extinct. And that this are one of the worst history of the Americans.


 Itzes blog is how Native American caused trouble to the settlers or Americans. How settlers started rumors of the Indians. Americans also feared the Native Americans. How would bllame problem in each other. And she mention how really General Custer was to the Native American or Indians.


 Katherine mention how would Native Americans think of living on he reservation or in their land. She mention specific dates. I learned that americans gran citizenship on the Native American. She mention how the Native American had to change their life to live in american land. For example cutting their hair.


jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Indian Culture

   In the 1800's the Native American or Indians were mistreated by the American.When the indians surrender to the Americans to go to the reservations. They had to change some of their culture for examplie their names, the way they dress and their relgious dance. They gave up a lot of their culture to live in the lie the American gave them by not giving the money and their land.

  Before Americans taking the Native American land they believe on Wakan Tanka this was their god they believe he was the creator of the world. They would hunt for buffalo to get meat and use it skin for clothing. When the American's came to the Indian to take their land by tricking them offering them money. Indians were forced to give up their land because if they didn't gave up their land. Americans could have killed more Indians and take their land.

  After the Indians surrender because they didn't have supplies to survive they gave their land to the Americans. American let them live in a reservation were they will be given food, clothe and a place to live but they could not leave that reservation. Indians had to change their name to Christian name so they could be called and be understand. They wouldn't hunt the animals freely. Animals were surrounded by fences were they didn't have defense to cover themselves. Bravery was really important for the Native Americans they had to prove it to be respected like Sitting Bull did by being the last Indian to surrender to the Americans to live in the reservation.

  Native Americans were living in a nightmare were they were given rare disease at that time and they did not have good doctor. After changing their clothe and most importantly changing them into Christian's. Changing their way of believe. Making them alcoholics with their medicine. And they are scared of leaving the reservation they don't want to risk of not having supplies.

  The Indians invented a way to communicate and Americans not understanding. The Native American who invented this was named Wovoka. This religion was named the Ghost Dance. It purpose was that the white race would be destroyed so the Indians or Native Americans would rise up again. When the american learned about the meaning of this religious dance American wouldn't allow it. It was not allowed to believe in this land Indians could not do anything but be like a puppet for the American.

  In the end Indians were controlled by the Americans they were like puppets. They had  to live the American's showed them. Also Indians wont leave the reservation because they are scared of losing their supplies for surviving. Still today the Native Americans culture is in trouble. They are not so much Indians left.
In my opinion American should do something to protect this culture before its to late maybe they will regret if this culture is lost.


Bury my life
Wounded Knee Massacre
The Ghost Dance